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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hillside Church, Merry Christmas and Thank You


This is a personal note to my church family.  The Apostle Paul unabashedly expressed his love for the churches he founded.  I'm no Paul, but I will follow his example here, and express my affection for the church God privileges me to serve.  This photo is our Advent candles in our sanctuary from the fourth Sunday of Advent last year.

Hillside Church, I am very thankful that 15 years ago, God called me to be your pastor.  I preached my installation sermon here on September 24, 2006.  This year, you showed me and my family a lot of love, and I really grateful.  But then, in countless ways, you show us love every year, and I hope we show you love too.  I won’t say ‘reciprocate.’  Love is not reciprocal, but flows from the Spirit beating within each of us and from the generosity of the heart. You show love because of the heartbeat of Christ in you.  I hope that’s what I am doing as well.

The last few years we have seen ups and downs.  Before COVID came our church went through some changes, and now, 21 months of pandemic have imposed changes on all churches and on everyone everywhere, churched or unchurched.  I thank God to have gone through this with you.

I believe God will be seen this Christmas among us, as we love each other and welcome all who come.  I believe as the word is proclaimed and praise is sung, the Holy Spirit’s touch will be felt.  Reader, be part of it.  Maybe you are a Hillside member who hasn’t come in-person yet.  Maybe you are someone who sees our newsletter, but hasn’t gotten very involved in our church.  I pray that you will.  I pray you will come and experience the love and community that we offer.  And I thank God that I get to be part of it.

-        Pastor Rob